"Serious games" are a serious competitive advantage!
The use of "serious games" for teaching practical skills or abstract concepts is booming. Whether it is for problem solving, skill building, social collaboration, or decision making, they are efficient and powerful tools for schools and businesses alike.
Discover "Blockchain Battle" the game that teaches how cryptocurrency works under the hood
Educate, train and raise awareness through video games
Serious games, also referred to as applied games or business games, are used to teach players real life skills or knowledge.
For example, a serious game could train a player in a controlled setting before they are sent out into the field. This lowers their stress levels, which in turn increases their self-confidence and performance! In turn, the employer can evaluate this player's skills in a virtual environment.
Through video games, we enrich your training experience

How do serious games work?
Regarding training and education, "serious games" are digital applications with multiple uses: develop and share knowledge, train, inform, memorize and teach.
Through the use of different gameplays and rewards, they offer a wide range of ways to evaluate and develop learning.
"Serious games" promote self-confidence and facilitate academic success while being fun!

How are serious games better than traditional learning methods?
Many games are inherently social. Games can be both competitive and collaborative, encouraging users to find solutions together while having fun.
Serious games give good results in changing behavior, because they allow players to step back and examine the cause and effect of their actions.
Games can also be used to teach technical subjects that come across as boring when presented as a classical lecture or video.
E-learning is favored by students globally!

421% surge in e-learners on Udemy since 2019
People like learning at their own pace and from the comfort of their own homes

190% increase in usage of online course platforms in France
70% of French people play video games already

Video games help you to:
Immerse trainees in realistic situations
Teach both abstract & practical skills
Promote collaborative learning
Test & evaluate knowledge
Turn "boring" subjects engaging
Provide continuous and remote training
Let’s make your game happen—ask us how!
We can accompany you from the idea phase all through the development of your game.