Discover the secrets of the Blockchain
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Players & Pros love it
Blockchain Battle has taught thousands of people world-wide, with an average rating of 4.5 stars on sites like Udemy and BitDegree.
Top-tier business schools such as ESSEC and Montpellier Business School have selected Blockchain Battle to teach their masters and undergraduate students.

Aymen Turki
Head of Master of Science in Corporate Finance and Fintech at Groupe ESC Clermont
"The educational yet playful dimension of the game makes the class interactive and stimulates learning by doing."

Beverly Leligois
Associate Professor Practice
Montpellier Business School
"At the end of the session, they said that being in the game made it much easier to comprehend the key concepts and the roles that are played by the various participants. I highly recommend the game — success guaranteed!"

Romain Thouy
Associate Producer and Blogger at LOKKO
"With its intuitive interface, and its short and very understandable videos, Blockchain Battle is an ease to pick up."

Learning doesn't have to be boring
Here are some the topics covered:
How does BitCoin work?
- Historical context behind BitCoin
- Transaction fees
- Forks
What is money, and how is it related to trust?
- Brief history of money and its value
- Consensus and trust in traditional finance
- History of signatures and stamps
What are the key technologies that build a blockchain?
- Challenges building distributed systems
- Symmetric and asymmetric cryptography
- Mining and proof-of-work
What are the limitations on blockchain technology?
- Fraud and loss of digital keys
- Privacy and anonymity
- Environmental impact
What is the future of blockchain?
- Proof of stake
- Smart contracts
- Applications of the blockchain in industry and the arts
Just for fun
- Hacker culture
- The Babington Plot
- Who is Satoshi Nakamoto ?
Frequently Asked Questions
Ask us how we can help you make your video game!
We can accompany you from the idea phase all through the development of your game.
This game was created in collaboration with our amazing partners :
Original Concept | Jesse Himmelstein |
Artistic Director | Jean-Christophe Letraublon |
Illustrations | Enzo Magny Carvalho |
Mathilde Doré | |
Animations | Mathilde Doré |
Narrative Design | Jesse Himmelstein |
Clément Baille | |
Sound Design | Jean-Baptiste Mar |